

Community Management Group


Community Management Group


Community Management Group

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Order demands and resale packages

Homeowners Associations


Order HOA Demands from CondoCerts.com
Order HOA Demands from CondoCerts.com
4/2018 order demands via their website
4/2018 order demands via their website
I am the president of Village Paseo run by CMG. My address is 272 dizzy petunia ct. Las Vegas nv 89106
I am the president of Village Paseo run by CMG. My address is 272 dizzy petunia ct. Las Vegas nv 89106
Hello Sarah, in response to our recent conversation regarding the residence at 10339 Hardy Falls St., LV, Nv. 89141, removal of weeds. The property is a 2nd home as we currently reside in Los Angeles, we will be at the property within the next few weeks and plan to hire a gardener to assist with the up-keep of the property. We are requesting another agricultural application so that an additional copy of the backyard diagram can be attached to it. Thanks for your assistance in this matter, we look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.
272 dizzy petunia ct. Las Vegas nv 89106
How do I obtain my HOA statements?
How do I obtain my HOA statements?

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