

CR Property Management

Phone Numbers
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(702) 754-6313
Homeowners Associations


I need the Association to approve of my weeds abatement It has to be signed off as approved before my court assignment 7/08 11297 Piper Peak Lane Sage Hills 89138
Very poor communication between the company and the people living in the communities they manage. The entry gate to the community has had multiple issues in the last year. They finally replaced it and it broke again. When I contacted the company about the issue they were very rude. We went 6 days without being able to use the entrance gate and had to have someone come open the exit gate to get in. The company rather than apologizing for the issue and inconvenience, responded with their attorney information and claimed they knew nothing about the gate being broken. I know that not only I, but many of the other neighbors called and complained with no response due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
send you a email waiting for your response. PLEASE Belmont Park HOA via Sierra Community Management
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Live at 700 Carnegie Mission Ridge unit 4524. Club and pool key has not worked since Saturday. Trying to get it resolved. Please assist. Thank you.
They never get back to you. They can't find the HOA agreements. Useless.
2/7/19: use HomeWise - search by HOA name not address.
Email for demand & resale requests: jill@sierracommunitymanagement.com
Order HOA Demand www.homewisedocs.com
I need to get some things done like paint the house & redesign the front yard landscape. Lets do this

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