

Stetson Ranch Homeowners Association

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Secretary of State Number


I am a homeowner at the Falls at 9801 Fiesta Rose Ave. I need permission to install a security front screen door. I had a home invasion on 12-12-14 while at home with two male suspects involved. I strongly believe every effort has to be made to allow homeowners to properly secure their windows and doors to at least deter these kinds of dangerous crimes. Disallowing needed safety security measures for homeowners within reason can and will be a civil liability for the association.
I live in the Stetson Ranch community on Nahin. My neighbor called the HOA to conplain that I come home late. I am 28 years old. I park my car then walk into my house. I don't sit outside in the middle of the night playing music or anything. Is there a set curfew for when adults have to come home? Why is it that i get bothered for coming home at the hour that i do? Other neighbors arrive sometimes arive at late hours i don't hassle them or HOA about it. There is a neighbor loading a construction truck as I speaking making a loud racket on a beautiful quiet Saturday. Yet I am quite certain no one is going to complain about that. Why is my family continually harrassed by the HOA? Is this a race thing or what? Because i honestly can not think of a reason why.
I live at 9930 Burton Lake Court in the Stetson Ranch Development with my husband, Parker Vivoda. I know there have been security concerns recently, and I need to report that my wallet was stolen from my car late Saturday/early Sunday (October 21/22). The thieves tried to charge over $10,000 before I realized the loss and blocked all of my cards. My ID and other personal items will also need to be replaced. Charges began at 5:30 am Sunday morning, so I am wondering if there is video survellience of cars leaving about that time. Charges were attempted on the other side of town, so there must have been a car involved. Please let others know about theives, and let me know about camera fottage.
So many grammar errors and missing words/ extra words forgot to proof read that. Besides that, seriously though I would like to know why my family is constantly called by the HOA. How is me coming home late a reason for the HOA to bother my family over?

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