

University Biltmore Homeowners Association (Self Managed)


Order HOA Demand by Email: universitybiltmore@gmail.com
First I would like to apologize to 4323 the correct number is 4311 spencer st. The nice lady that owns 4323 had the squatters help her move from ine place to another they invaded hee home and would not leave now tgey have all broken in to 4311 the corner house on Spencer st thats off road well hidden where they are taking out the appliances and selling them for drugs that nice recently widowed young lady pays someone to help her and tgey basically hold her captive in her home thats ashame ive lived here for 6yrs and ive never seen or heard of anything like this in our neighborhood the drug dealers and users are going to flood these very doorsteps i know longer feel safe in my home
This is all falsified information I have been here almost 6 months my fiance and I were brought here under false pretenses by a woman named Melody Glover she and another woman by the name of Michelle Riggins had us under the impression that they owned this house we paid money to Melody Glover to move in she then moved to Bakersfield California claiming to be closer to her daughter but the longer that I'm here I'm starting to see the real reason why she left she is fraudulent I am going to press charges on her and I'm going to file a civil suit on her because she took our money she has been harassing us since she's been gone she has multiple properties that she's claiming is hers come to find out the police have came here twice we have had our paperwork to prove that we were able to stay here this is getting ridiculous I'm tired of being harassed on a daily when US Bank came and serve papers we went to court and the judge denied the removal I've actually been in contact with the bank at this point I'm ready to go to the Head person in charge because this is getting out of hand Melody Glover and Michelle Riggins need to be prosecuted to the max!!!!!!
I would like to report a break in of squatters 4323 Spencer St there's about 6 or 7 ppl living in this unit up all hours of the night ppl coming in and out its a drug house. I've noticed they have out a lock on the front gate and there using the garage to come and go and let others in and out please fix this immediately I'm sure there damaging the apt theres always loud noise

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