

FirstService Residential Arville (?)

Phone Numbers

The Meridian Private Residences Office Phone Number

(702) 538-8379

Meridian Private Residences Community Manager Darcy Waterhouse

Homeowners Associations


order Demands on Welcomelink.com
9/13/2023 FirstService Residential no longer managers Anthem Country Club Community Association. HOA docs are ordered through GETDOCSNOW.COM
How to get a copy of cc&rs and bylaws for West Sahara Association HOA ?
We have still not received our payment coupons for our monthly assessment. I called before and was told they would be mailed to us.
How do I get a copy of cc&rs and bylaws for West Sahara Association HOA ?
They no longer manage Saddle Peak at Nevada Trails.
5655 E Sahara Unit 1066. My son is renting the unit, where the GFI circuit has not worked since he moved in (2/2023). The landlord is worthless This is a life hazard exposure and we have had no reply. My son is still waiting for his washer machine to be repaired (< a month). I know there are many HOAs' that do not allow rentals or limit it to a min. %. I wonder if landlords like my son's has contributed to this position.
Please email me a copy of the CC&R's For Ardiente. Thanks so much
What is the website for making HOA payments?
9/13/2023 First Service no longer manages Anthem Country Club Community Association. HOA docs are ordered through Getdocsnow.com

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