

Shadow Crossings Homeowners Association

Click on the Management Company name for contact information.
Management Company
Association Type
Number of Units
Secretary of State Number


I'd like to know you phone number and address where to mail my HOA pyment
Hi, This is Rongfu Xiao the owner of a property at 6515 Goldfield Street N Las Vegas. It seems that I didn’t receive a HOA payment Coupon Book for the year 2018. Did you sand it to me? Can I have your phone number. I ‘d like to talk with some one in your office regarding the payment by transfer money from my bank or paying by my credit card. I like to pay a whole year fee as the passed years. Thanks! Rongfu
i still have t receive info for payments or new book for new management
The rudest homeowners association ever. They will come to the property and vandalize yo shit if they don’t like something. Wait till I find out who brought scissors to the place I live at and started cutting shit.

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