

Rancho Las Palmas Neighborhood Homeowners Association

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Please contact me about my home at 426 nettleton cr. I would like a meeting to resolve the problem of my assessment s and impending sale of my home
I have lived in Rancho Las Palmas community for some time. Over the years I have noticed how the upkeep of the surrounding area has gone downhill particularly along the streets of Sandy Creek and Palmwood. Over by Sandy Creek street is a wall that has progressively been eroding. On the same street is an old car without a license plate that has been parked on the same spot for more than a year. Along Palmwood St, many front lawn areas are not kept well. Some have barriers to kkep the stones from the sidewalk but so unprofessionally laid that it is unsightly. Others homeowners just allow the stones to scatter over the sidewalks. Other lawn areas no longer have enough stones to cover the area. Dog droppings also are allowed to remain on the sidewalks for days. There are definitely some dog owners who do not curb their pets and leave dog "poop" on the lawns and sidewalks. At one time a dead rat was on a sidewalk for several days before it was disposed off. I think an inspection of these areas is sorely needed to prevent the further decline in the quality of the environment of this community.
Want to let U know, I am in receipt of your 'courtesy notice' RE: debris, pine needles on my property. There are some pine needles under a pine tree to the right of my driveway, otherwise my property is well cared for. I have cleaned up the needles/leaves as of this time. U may stop by & look. However, we know what happens here after a windy day. Ken
re: 687 Whispering Palms Dr, COMPLAINT regarding ticketing a vehicle on street in front of my house that has all necessary documentation from insurance company, DMV, vin inspection, smog certificate, 30 day permission to take the car on the highway and allow for repairs, we have been threatened this car will be towed within 72 hours if it isn''t moved to a private residence!!! What in God's name do they think my house is?? The glue that was used to secure this threat will not come off and there is not a mark on this car. Please advise if this is a person in your employ or if I'm just beating my gums.

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