“I am a Realtor. Can you let me know the most current HOA fees per month in Desert Linn condo community?
Thank you, Hal C21 Consolidated”by Hal Yamamoto
“I previously sent an email as I do not have the current address to mail my pymt. I am aware I am behind. The last pymt I sent was ret'd. Please send me the correct, current address. You have my email address above”by patty graff
“I have rec'd return monthly pymts I made for the HOA fees. Can you please send me the correct address to send the pymts, via my email address. Thank you”by patty graff
“Just purchased a condo at 367 Manti Pl no.251. Ihave no info how to pay the HOA or the rules regarding the community. Can you help? Thanks 702-701-3309”by Saverio indingaro
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