

Bighorn at Black Mountain Homeowners Association

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Assessments Schedule
Secretary of State Number


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Have several concerns about the HOA in this complex being a homeowner I'm very disturbed in the fact that are amenities still aren't open when all of other Henderson complexes and Las Vegas pools Etc are open we get no notice of any sorts from the HOA in regards to this the tennis courts Nets are all broken the gate walkthrough is broken and anybody can walk through here and everybody and their brothers know the gate code here because I just met some people in downtown Henderson that did not reside here is that new the gate code have seen a young man sleeping on the back lawn in the back by the retaining wall in the mountains I've seen people going through our dumpsters what's going on I would have never purchased here if I would have known this is how HOA takes care of their residence here and it'd be really nice to at least get the HOA to keep us informed on the amenities that were paying monthly for that we're not receiving including the other issues of the broken walkthrough gay and people knowing the gate code that don't live here and people going through the dumpsters what what's going on what what is the HOA doing here for us repaving our parking lot please
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Apt121 parking space #4 green motorcycle being driven on back wheel at high speed every day just missed a couple car that were parked going to hit someone or something sooner or later now it at night back and forth full throttle all hours of night no speed bumps from gate to were he parks to slow him down using parking space to work om bike putting yall on notice this will be resolved will file complaint with local police and will contact code enforcement etc I expect this to be resolved soon
It has been over a year since our pool, spa and gym have been closed. It was closed because of one person who was on the board, Karey, who resigned now but it is not fair to the rest of the residents to not have use of these amenities. Just ban the one person who did the damage and closed the pool for all of us. I need the pool for physical therapy and exercise. Tenants are moving in and being told we have a pool , San and gym and asking if it will ever open and why am I paying for it if the facilities aren’t open. Yes there is COVID but the chlorine kills it and the heat kills it. Put hand washing stations out and open the facilities. Almost all other apartments, condos and townhouse complexes have their facilities open and no they don’t have someone watching for social distancing- you don’t have too. So stop the excuses and open our facilities. There are cameras so if Managemnt sees inappropriate behavior than that tenant(s) don’t have use of the pool. People are going to just keep moving out and hate this place.
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It has been over a year since our pool, spa and gym have been closed. It was closed because of one person who was on the board, Karey, who resigned now but it is not fair to the rest of the residents to not have use of these amenities. Just ban the one person who did the damage and closed the pool for all of us. I need the pool for physical therapy and exercise. Tenants are moving in and being told we have a pool , San and gym and asking if it will ever open and why am I paying for it if the facilities aren’t open. Yes there is COVID but the chlorine kills it and the heat kills it. Put hand washing stations out and open the facilities. Almost all other apartments, condos and townhouse complexes have their facilities open and no they don’t have someone watching for social distancing- you don’t have too. So stop the excuses and open our facilities. There are cameras so if Managemnt sees inappropriate behavior than that tenant(s) don’t have use of the pool. People are going to just keep moving out and hate this place.
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Cars parking in handicapped areas Need to be warned and or towed.Handicap have no where to park
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Over a year now with no pool ect... and no plans to open. Nn mailbox covers on mailbox over 3 mo.Anytime you call the mgr David Guy you willl get no solutions or resolutions as he would say quote unquote well I hate to pass the buck Really?? The pools aree allowed to open without monitor with restrictions and covid shots are available to all now and gov is lifting more restrictions as of May but are HOA has done nothing in plans for opening these. I bought inn april of last year and they advertised these amenities inc they advertised it wwas guard gated and iit isnt and hasent been for many years.This is false advertisement although they have since changed the guard gated issue .I very much am veery unhappy with the HOA here and due to buying here under false pretences and being hurt here on property with no resolution to that ssituation and also to thee fact thaat the HOA does not continusely update ALL residents on the issues going on here IM ready to get aa Lawyer IM so done paying to a HOA asssociation that givees no care once so ever to this commmuniity

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